Salon Workshops

I have developed 2 live salon workshops

Designed to be delivered in person at your salon. All my workshops are great team building experiences and are designed to be fun.

Read through the descriptions of workshops below, then email me here to book or if you have any questions.

Hayley's Signature

Manage your mood…

Raise the vibe in your salon

This workshop is suitable for the whole salon from assistants, bosses, to front of house. It can be a lonely business and that can really take a toll on your mood and confidence.

How to feel better?

Who doesn’t want that?

Manage your mood live workshop

 I believe managing your own mood is the first step to resilience. If you can master this it will serve you well for life. It’s the foundation to build all other techniques and skills on which is why I’m teaching it first. If you don’t feel good everything can feel hard work.

 Building self esteem around your work is important for hairdressers as we take criticism of our work so personally. This along with what life likes to throw at us takes its toll and we must have strategies in place to endure the highs and lows. We must find some balance in our mood and outlook. After all, another aspect of salon life is that we are expected to always be smiling. This can be tough sometimes.

In this workshop we will work on raising awareness of things/people  that bring us down or bring us joy.

You will learn to harness and seek out the good to manage your mood.

Next we will relate this to the salon environment so you can discover what lifts you up and brings you down at work. You will learn how to look after yourself and the affect your behaviour can have on those around you. You will also learn as a team how to create a positive culture in your salon.

This course was brilliant. I’ve been hairdressing a long time, experiencing the highs and lows, but I could never have envisaged that all the emotional and mental aspects of  salon life could be broken down and simplified in such a practical way.

Hayley oozes warmth and humour and without a doubt I was totally convinced she knew her stuff. I was completely engaged. I thoroughly enjoyed the session and cannot wait to do the next one.


Workshop 2

Self care stock take…

This workshop will teach you and your team how to take care of your energy as hairdressers. 

This is important as we use a lot of energy in our client-facing job, and we need to understand how to recharge properly.

Otherwise we become more susceptible to burnout.

This workshop answers the question…

Back view of female student raising hand on a class.

”Why am I still tired when I’ve had loads of sleep?”

Everyone will come away from this workshop with a clear plan of what they need to do to recharge their batteries effectively.

         This is a real eye-opening, feel good workshop for all members of the team.     

Hayley was so easy to connect with and instantly put my team at ease so they were able to be receptive, open and honest in order to apply her ideas. I would highly recommend her course and am looking forward to having more of a resilient and positive team..

Salon Owner

All workshops are approx 3 hours long

All workshops are £599 for up to 20 people

There are petrol/train and sometimes accommodation costs

Petrol is charged at 0.45p per mile 

For numbers above 20 please email me for pricing.

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